A few months ago I did a post on the Miracle Fruit. What is a Miracle Fruit? A miracle fruit is otherwise known as the Miracle Berry. It basically changes how your taste buds react to sour and bitter foods. So lemons are suddenly sweet and beer ends up tasting like chocolate.

I planned a Flavour Tripping Party with my friends at work. It has been impossible to do so since we are all so busy. I had the Miracle Frooties sitting on my desk for weeks and every time I go to plan a Tripping Party I forget.
On the way to work one day, I suddenly remembered the Miracle Frooties. I picked up some golden kiwi fruit, oranges, strawberries, lemons and limes. I was a bit nervous about the whole experience so I wanted to make sure that what we were about to taste wasn’t too drastic.

I started handing out the Miracle Frootie (only half per person). We all put it in our mouth and it pretty much tasted like cardboard. There was a stage where I just wanted to throw it out. It was a weird texture and I was glad when it was all dissolved.
Everyone grabbed some fruit and started tasting. The lemons were so sweet. It was like I was eating lemon flavoured lollies. The limes were the same. I just couldn’t believe that a small tablet can suddenly play tricks with my taste buds. The strawberries were amazing. It was like I was eating strawberry flavoured sugar. The only thing that didn’t impress me was the golden kiwi fruit. I thought the flavour would intensify. It was basically the same.

When I was getting feedback from the gang they all told me that they thought it was a little odd. Some were excited and some were not. The photos I took basically show their reactions.
Thanks to Nasreen, Michelle, Alina, Cathrine, Tahlia, Grant, Saliha, Karyn and Stacie for joining me on the flavour trip. It was lots of fun.

I will definitely do it again. Maybe next time I will try things like chilli sauce or even brussels sprouts. I hate brussels sprouts. I’ve tried it in so many ways and I still can’t stand them.
If you are interested in having your own Flavour Tripping Party you can purchase Miracle Frooties from http://www.miraclefrooties.com.au/